

Seeking talent from
Los Angeles, CA (USA)


WILLY HENSON-­‐ Age range 30-60 Male, Father of the Henson family. WWI Veteran. Stunt man for flying circus. Stern demeanor. Softens when he tells stories.

LUKE HESON-­‐ Age range 20-30s Male, Eldest son of the Henson family. Charming, Confident. Somewhat of a dreamer. Joins the Airforce during WWII. Returns home after the war disillusioned.

NATHAN HENSON‐- Age range 20-30s Male. Middle child of the Henson family. All bark no bite. Can be a bully but has a great sense of humor. Joins the Air Force during WWII.

CAROLINE HENSON-­‐ Age Range 20s-40s Female. Mother of the Henson family. Patient but unafraid to speak her mind. Able to hold her own in a house full of men.

JUNE: Age range 20s-30s Female. Luke’s fiancé. Sharp tongue. Intelligent. Can’t be played for a fool. A city girl born in the south. **Will be played by same actress who plays Miss Upton. Familiarity with character work/clowning/improv is a plus.

MISS UPTON­‐ Age range 30-40s Female. Talkative, meddlesome,
very pessimistic. The last person you would go to for advice. **Will be played by same actress who plays June. Familiarity with character work/clowning/improv is a plus.

MC-­‐ Age range 20-50s Male.
MC of the Flying Circus. The MC opens the play. Dynamic personality. Works at a flying circus. High energy, fast talking announcer. Think ring man who works at an auction. **The actor reading this role will play other parts as well. Improv/clowning/character work a plus.

TRAIN CONDUCTOR-­‐ Can be played by same actor as MC

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