PAID –  $100/DAY provide meals, credit, copy

Shoot Dates: March 23rd & 24th
Los Angeles (USA)
Aria – Female, in her mid-20s, Haitian American woman living in Los Angeles. As an abstaining virgin, she struggles to maintain the long standing promise she’s made to God and to herself as she navigates dating in her prime of life. Aria LOVES love and she loves hard but she STANDS on business. The epitome of hard on the outside, soft on the inside. Acts as if she doesn’t need the help but knows she does– very stubborn. Great at setting boundaries, good at bending them

Kasim – Male, in his late-20s, a handsome Black man, KASIM lives in Los Angeles and is struggling to date according to the restrictions set by a woman he truly cares about. He is emotionally intelligent but can be a bit sarcastic. Really wanted the relationship to work; a stand up guy but is a MAN and knows where he’s willing to budge. Very intuitive when it comes to knowing who he’s messing with. Extremely relaxed in the way that he relates to the people he loves. Great at respecting boundaries, good at being a part of crossing boundaries

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