Network television spinoff. Filming three episodes in Knoxville, TN February 6-7.

“Nana”- Black female, 40’s-early 50’s. Likely needed Wednesday early evening for 1 scene. Must be able to run into a room, flip on a light switch and tell a younger boy to call 911. $135

Driveway owner/Resident- White male, 60’s. He’s moving his garbage bin when he sees a bag and calls 911. 1 scene. Likely needed Wednesday, early afternoon. $75

Deputy #1- Male, should be in good physical condition and clean shaven with a neat haircut. Scene: bags evidence, searches area. Likely needed Wednesday early afternoon. $135

Uniformed Officer: Male, should be in good physical condition and clean shaven with a neat haircut. Scene: discovers body, arrest. Likely needed Wednesday. $135/day

Christina- Hispanic female, 40’s. Full build. Should have very dark brown or black hair that can be pulled into a top bun. 1 scene where she meets a guy at a bus stop (meet cute). Likely Wednesday around 11:30am.

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