Network television series filming in Knoxville, TN, February 26-27th.
Non-union, true crime recreation series with no scripted audio.  Minimal scenes for all roles. 

CARMIN- Latina female, 40s, dark hair, petite, attractive, should be comfortable portraying in love, should be comfortable with domestic abuse content. RATE $150/DAY

LOU- Latino Male, late 30s, some light facial hair, should be comfortable portraying in love and domestic abuse content

DAUGHTER- Latina female, 20s, searching for mom, calling people, interviewing with police RATE $150/DAY

DAD- Latino male, 50-60s, handing over phone to police RATE $100/DAY

MOM- Latino female, 50-60s, handing over phone to police RATE $100/DAY

ED- Latino male, 40s, should be comfortable portraying in love, hug and kissing female goodbye RATE $135/DAY

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