Location: Los Angeles

Filming Date: April 28-30

Character break down:

W.D Fard Muhammad- 53 Very light complected blackman from Arabia. Very charismatic, wise, discipline and forward.

Elijah Poole- late 30s Hard working very upfront and stern.

Clara Poole- 30s A loving wife, humble and strong. Always willing to help.

Lula Spell-20s Young and exciting, always looking for new good things.

Minister Abdul-30s Very serious, not humble on the wrong side of straight forward ( crooked).

Willie- late 50s Father of Elijah Poole, old school down south preacher.

Pastor Evans-40s He only see’s thing’s his way, he wants the best for his self first then the church (selfish).

Mr. Spell-40s Typical 1930s blackman going with the flow of the time.

Mrs. Spell- 40sTypical 1930s Blackman going with the flow of the time.

Silky-40s Typical 1930s negro in a bar ( loud and obnoxious).

Tommy-40s Typical 1930s negro in a bar( hard working but always needs a drink).

Young Elijah- 7 years old Very curious and innocent but wise

White men-30s and 40s very 1930s down south racist.

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