For My Man, ep 709. Filming in the Knoxville, TN area July 31-August 1 (Monday/Tuesday). This is a non-union, true crime recreation series for tvONE network. There is no scripted audio.

Bystanders 1-4: Black males and females, variety of ages (18+). Likely needed on Tuesday around 4:30pm. $100/day, flat

Audience Extra- Black males and females, 18-early 30’s. They are at a club watching a hiphop performance. Likely needed Monday around 8pm. 1 scene, $75, flat (if you’d like to play a bystander and audience extra, please note that in your email- these can be repeat but are on different days)

UHaul Driver- Seeking male with valid driver’s license. In reality, this man was homeless. Ideally seeking someone who can appear disheveled with scruffy facial hair. Likely needed Monday around 1pm. $100, flat

Fight friend- Black male, 20’s. He gets in a fight with the perp and gets shot at (prop, non-firing weapon with stunt coordinator on set) and runs away. Must be physically able to carry out that action. Like Tuesday around 9pm. $150/day + hotel

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