FATAL ATTRACTION 1405: Films in Knoxville TN- August 15-16th

VICTIM’S UNCLE- Black male, 40’s, no photo to resemble. At crime scene when they find the body/ happy family times, no scripted audio for this role, but may be natural reaction type sounds Likely needed both film dates- Tuesday 1pm, and Wednesday 3pm. Will likely be needed long days both dates.

VICTIM’S COUSIN- Black male or Female, 20-30’s, no photo to resemble. At crime scene when they find the body/ happy family times, no scripted audio for this role, but may be natural reaction type sounds Likely needed both film dates- Tuesday 1pm, and Wednesday 3pm. Will likely be needed long days both dates.

DETECTIVE 2- Black male, late 30-40’s, physically fit. Clean cut. Should own professional wardrobe and be comfortable handling a prop weapon/ interviewing/ arresting suspects.
Likely needed Tuesday around 4pm and Wednesday around 4pm

KINDERGARTEN EXTRAS- Seeking a diverse mix of around 6 children Kindergarten age for graduation scene, where the notice the victim is missing. 1 scene
Likely needed Wednesday around 3pm
Rate $75/days worked

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