Production Title: Matt

Production Type: Drama Play

Character Breakdown:
MATT (Lead): 21 – 28. A young white male struggling with depression and anxiety. He is introverted and reserved, often keeping his feelings to himself. Through the play, he undergoes a journey of self-discovery and healing.

JESS (Lead): 21- 28. A female who is a responsible individual and values honesty and communication in her relationship with Matt and appears to be a realist, cautious about taking risks, and concerned about their financial stability.

MOTHER: 50 – 58. A white female who cares deeply about her son’s well-being. She is supportive of Matt and wants to see him happy and healthy.

FATHER: 50 – 58. A white male who is strict and a traditional father who doesn’t understand mental illness. He struggles to communicate with Matt and provide him with the support he needs.

NURSE: 40 – 50, a female. She genuinely cares about her patients and is always looking for ways to make them feel better. She is also a great listener.

DR. BISHOP: 40 – 50 years old, female. A compassionate therapist who helps Matt on his journey towards recovery. She listens to him and helps him develop strategies for managing his mental health.

Audition Date & Location:
25th November/ St. George’s Theatre, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2PG


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