Casting Call

Production Title: “Make Me Stop”

Union/Non-Union: Non-Union

Shooting Location: Austin, TX

Male Lead Role: Richard
Female Lead Supporting: Mary

Character Descriptions: 

Open to any ethnicity

Richard- Male presenting, 30s, that has kind of meandered through life. He has fallen forward, has a decent enough job, and not many cares in the world.  After losing his fiancé, Richard closed himself off from the world.  He isolated, became very defensive, and sank into a deep depression.

Mary- Female presenting, 30s, therapist  that has become fed up with her practice. She has specifically become fed up with hearing about people that don’t actually want to become better versions of themselves.

Shooting Dates: June 22-23

There is a potential overnight that might take place the 21st into the 22nd or the 23rd into the 24th.  This is still TBD

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