Casting Call

Prod. Dates: March 30th & 31st, 2024

Dallas, Ft. Worth, Denton

Iggy Lyons
Lead. 20-30. Brunette. Any Race.
On the more timid side and slightly awkward in body language, Iggy is quiet but inquisitive. Not one to take the spotlight, Iggy leans toward darker but wholesome interests. Iggy is confronted with the unexpected news that her great aunt Edie is dying from cancer in 4 months. Being young and without any other living family members to support her, is overwhelmed by this sudden funeral planning on both an emotional and financial level.

Great Aunt Eden (Edie) Swanson
Lead. 55-75.
Spunky, certain of who she is, content with life, happy-go-lucky and humorous sensibility. Brooches, flashy jewelry, and bright lipstick and nails all form a consistent part of her wardrobe. Edie is a chain smoker whose lung cancer is now terminal, leaving her with 4 months to live. She’s planning out her funeral memorial services with her grand niece, Iggy-and she’s bold and unafraid during the process.

Pyla Bones
Supporting. 30-55. Dark hair. Restrained in demeanor due to her need to show up professionally as a funeral director, Pyla oscillates between offering the bereaved comforting warmth and her more matter-of-fact, deadpan “business as usual” attitude. Pyla is the person from the funeral home who interacts the most with Iggy and Edie to discuss pre-need funeral arrangements. She is a rule follower type but has a touch of eccentricity to her.

Lyle Dedmon
Supporting. 30-55. Tech brogrammer orientation, as in plain clothed, geeky, and a bit mansplain-y if he’s not careful. He’s developed this augmented reality mobile app Corps Memory that’s “transforming the way we treasure our departed.”

All Paid opportunities. IMDb Credit. Meals Provided.

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