Casting “Aide-mémoire,” an original scripted short created for college applications that explores the life of Mr. Baker and his daughter Mabel. To keep Mr. Baker from feeling alone in his dementia, Mabel often reminds him of some of their shared treasured memories.

Union/non-union: Non-union

Shooting location and dates: South Pasadena/El Sereno/Los Angeles (Date &Time: TBD)

Mr. Baker
Lead. Male. 50+
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Young Aaron Baker
Lead. Male. 25-35
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Savannah Baker
Lead. Female. 25-35
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Mabel Baker
Lead. Female. 25-35
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Teenage Mabel Baker
Lead. Female. 18-25
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

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