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Looking for a Covid Marshall & Covid Secretary to work on a HETV. UK.
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Looking for a chef, baker, recipe developer, or culinary expert who either has chronic heart failure or lives with a loved one who does. The talent should currently still work in the industry in some capacity. USA
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Filming in the Knoxville area September 7-8.
Teen E.C.- White male, 16-18yo. Thin build, approx. 5’8. light brown or blonde hair color. Seeking talent with a conservative look and haircut. No tattoos, clean shaven face. Likely needed Thursday after school hours. $125, flat
Teen Linda- White female, 16-18yo. One color hair (dark brown), thin build, thin face. Likely needed Thursday after school hours. $125, flat
Rubyane- White female, late 40’s-early 50’s. Conservative look, thin build. Likely Thursday around 5pm. $125, flat
Washington Deputy 1-2: White male, 35-45yo. Clean-shaven, conservative look. Should be in good physical condition, lean build. Likely needed Thursday and Friday after dark both days. $135/day
Mafia Man- White male, dark hair. This is for a speculative flashback of the crime. Untrue story about the shooting of a wealthy rancher. Likely needed Thursday around 5:30pm and Friday around 9pm. Role includes scripted violence with a non-firing prop firearm. $150/day
William Hill, attorney- White male, 40’s. Tall, thin. Likely needed Friday around 6pm.
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RATE: STANDARD SAG ULB ($241 per day)..please make notes if you a local talent or your location if not.
Man, 50-70 or so, Caucasian or can pass as to portray Caucasian male. 50s – 60s, WASP, w/ a great head of hair, Zoey’s dad/Cheryl’s husband.
Retired early after selling his tech company for an insane amount of money (or so he thought) to
be able to pursue his true passion, The Theater! Frank loves the theatre SO MUCH it blinds him to any problems with running it. Volatile but doesn’t realize it. Pls note if you’re a local to MN or not.
Woman, 40-60 or so, Filipina, Asian. Mixed Ethnicity to portray Filipina female. 40s-50’s: The matriarch of the Camden family, she exudes wealth & ease. Cheryl has spent most of her life as a pampered princess but is excited, if not overzealous, to run the restaurant at the dinner theater she’s recently acquired with her husband. While she’s a bit out of her depth, Cheryl has a big heart & wants to see the restaurant succeed, so tries her best to rally her staff at every opportunity. Pls note if you’re a local to MN or not.
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Background Casting
Big Sky Season 3 series is casting people at least 18 year of age or older to play ND BG and Hospital Staff.
Date: 12/6
Testing: 12/5
Rate: $100/8 +$50 per off set test.
Location: Rio Rancho/ABQ area. Any set locations outside of ABQ or Rio Rancho will include a travel bump.
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CASTING plus-size sisters for a new documentary series. Texas (USA)
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